Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Miloedd o fyfyrwyr newydd yn mwynhau digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas

Daeth miloedd o ddysgwyr i ddigwyddiadau Ffair y Glas ar gampysau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai dros y 10 diwrnod diwethaf.

Cofrestrodd dros 5,000 o fyfyrwyr newydd gyda'r Grŵp ym mis Medi, ac fe gynhaliwyd y digwyddiadau ar gampysau Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, Glynllifon, Dolgellau a Phwllheli i groesawu myfyrwyr newydd ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn academaidd newydd.

Yn ystod y digwyddiadau roedd cyfle i ddysgwyr gwrdd â chynrychiolwyr clybiau, busnesau ac elusennau oedd yno i'w cynorthwyo i wneud y gorau o'u cyfnod yn y coleg. Roedd cyfle hefyd i flasu danteithion Mr Ricky'r desserts, i dynnu llun gyda Event Lounge a chael sgwrs gyda staff y coleg am bopeth, o gyllid a chludiant i academïau chwaraeon.

Ymhlith y sefydliadau yn bresennol roedd Zip World, Undeb Rygbi Cymru, Prifysgol Bangor, Prisygol Glyndŵr Wrecsam, Y Brifysgol Agored, GIC, Adran Recriwtio i'r Fyddin Recruitment, Y Llynges Frenhinol, Mind, Childline, Gyrfa Cymru, Sextember, Mr Ricky 'Prince of Desserts', Barnardo’s, Academi Taekwondo Sir Ddinbych, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Syniadau Mawr Cymru a CaMVA, asiantaeth cyflogaeth a menter Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Roedd yr adborth gan fyfyrwyr yn wych, dywedodd Jason Scott, Llywydd Undeb y Myfyrwyr yng Ngholeg Menai: "Roedd Ffair y Glas yn cynnig cyfle gwych i fyfyrwyr weld pa bethau sydd ar gael iddynt yn y coleg, roedd pawb des i ar eu traws wedi mwynhau'n fawr."

More than 5,000 new students enrolled with the Grŵp this September, and events were held in Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl, Glynllifon, Dolgellau and Pwllheli to welcome them as the new academic year gets underway.

Students were able to chat to representatives of dozens of clubs, charities, businesses and other organisations who could help them make the most of their time in college. They also had the chance to sample Mr Ricky’s desserts, have their photos taken with Event Lounge, and talk to college staff about everything from finance and transport to sports academies.

Some of the organisations attending included Zip World, the Welsh Rugby Union, Bangor University, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, The Open University, the NHS, Army Recruitment, The Royal Navy, Mind, Childline, Careers Wales, Sextember, Barnardo’s, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Big Ideas Wales and CaMVA, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s employment and enterprise agency.

There was fantastic feedback from learners, including Jason Scott, Coleg Menai’s Student Union President, who said: “The Freshers Fairs were a great opportunity for students to see what is available to them during their time at college - everyone I spoke to really enjoyed attending.”

More than 5,000 new students enrolled with the Grŵp this September, and events were held in Bangor, Llangefni, Parc Menai, Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl, Glynllifon, Dolgellau and Pwllheli to welcome them as the new academic year gets underway.

Students were able to chat to representatives of dozens of clubs, charities, businesses and other organisations who could help them make the most of their time in college. They also had the chance to sample Mr Ricky’s desserts, have their photos taken with Event Lounge, and talk to college staff about everything from finance and transport to sports academies.

Some of the organisations attending included Zip World, the Welsh Rugby Union, Bangor University, Wrexham Glyndŵr University, The Open University, the NHS, Army Recruitment, The Royal Navy, Mind, Childline, Careers Wales, Sextember, Barnardo’s, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Fitness First, Big Ideas Wales and CaMVA, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s employment and enterprise agency.

There was fantastic feedback from learners, including Jason Scott, Coleg Menai’s Student Union President, who said: “The Freshers Fairs were a great opportunity for students to see what is available to them during their time at college - everyone I spoke to really enjoyed attending.”

Meddai Jade Dishman, sy'n dilyn cwrs Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos: "Roedd hwn yn ddefnyddiol iawn, mi ddysgais i lawer yma.

“Mi welon ni lawer o bethau gwahanol - mae 'na bobl yma i'n cynorthwyo i gael gwaith ac mi ddangosodd y stondin lles pa gymorth sydd ar gael yn y coleg ar unrhyw bryd. Roedd hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn oherwydd doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod amdano cyn hynny. ⁠Mae 'na bethau o bob math yma - a llawer o bethau am ddim!"

Dywedodd Joshua Wynne, sy'n dilyn cwrs Celfyddydau Perfformio Lefel 3 yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos: "Ro'n i'n meddwl bod y digwyddiad yn wych. Roedd gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol iawn ar rai stondinau, pethau fydd o gymorth i mi yn y dyfodol, yn cynnwys Syniadau Mawr Cymru a ddangosodd i mi sut gallwn anelu at redeg fy nghwmni fy hun yn 20 oed."

Meddai Ellie o Aberdyfi, sy'n dilyn cwrs Iechyd a Harddwch yn Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau: ⁠ "Mi wnes i fwynhau ffair y glas yn fawr iawn. Roedd yn neuadd yn llawn cwmnïau a sefydliadau diddorol. ⁠Dw i eisoes yn meddwl am fy nyfodol a'r cysylltiadau dw i wedi'u gwneud yma."

Roedd y digwyddiadau hefyd yn fuddiol i'r sefydliadau oedd wedi dod â stondin yno.

Jade Dishman, who is studying Level 3 Health & Social care at Coleg Llandrillo in Rhos, said: “This is really helpful, it’s opened up a lot for us.

“We’ve seen so many different things - there are people to help us get work, and at the welfare stall they told us what help is available in the college at any time. That was really helpful because I didn’t realise it was there. There’s all sorts of things - and you get lots of free stuff!”

Joshua Wynne, studying Level 3 Performing Arts in Rhos, said: “I thought it was absolutely brilliant. There were a few booths with really useful information to help me look at stuff for the future, including Big Ideas Wales which showed me how I can be running my own career by the time I’m 20, which was really helpful.”

Ellie, from Aberdyfi, who is studying Health and Beauty at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor in Dolgellau, said: "I loved coming to the freshers fair. It was packed with really interesting companies and institutions. I'm already thinking about my future and the connections I made here today.”

Organisations who had stalls at the Freshers Fair events also found it a rewarding experience.

Jade Dishman, who is studying Level 3 Health & Social care at Coleg Llandrillo in Rhos, said: “This is really helpful, it’s opened up a lot for us.

“We’ve seen so many different things - there are people to help us get work, and at the welfare stall they told us what help is available in the college at any time. That was really helpful because I didn’t realise it was there. There’s all sorts of things - and you get lots of free stuff!”

Joshua Wynne, studying Level 3 Performing Arts in Rhos, said: “I thought it was absolutely brilliant. There were a few booths with really useful information to help me look at stuff for the future, including Big Ideas Wales which showed me how I can be running my own career by the time I’m 20, which was really helpful.”

Ellie, from Aberdyfi, who is studying Health and Beauty at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor in Dolgellau, said: "I loved coming to the freshers fair. It was packed with really interesting companies and institutions. I'm already thinking about my future and the connections I made here today.”

Organisations who had stalls at the Freshers Fair events also found it a rewarding experience.

Dywedodd Drew Hollins Roberts sy'n gydlynydd hyfforddi a recriwtio yn Zip World: "Daethon ni yma i gwrdd â myfyrwyr a chynnig cyfle iddynt i ddod i weithio i ni o fis Ionawr ymlaen.

Mae wedi bod yn fuddiol i ni ddod yma, mi ddaeth nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr i gael sgwrs â mi am y pethau sy'n digwydd yn Zip World. Roedd y digwyddiadau wedi'u trefnu'n dda iawn, ac mae siarad gyda chymaint o bobl am yr hyn mae Zip World yn ei wneud wedi bod yn wych. O fy safbwynt i mae'r ffair wedi bod yn llwyddiant lawr."

Meddai Julie Stokes-Jones, Swyddog Arweiniol Lleoliadau Gwaith gyda CaMVA: "Dyma'r tro cyntaf i CaMVA ddod i Ffair y Glas. ⁠Rydym yn y broses o lansio swyddfeydd cyflogaeth a menter ac mae ymateb a diddordeb y myfyrwyr wedi bod yn ardderchog. Rydym wedi cael cyfle i siarad efo nifer fawr o fyfyrwyr a'r gobaith ydy y byddwn ni'n gallu eu cefnogi ar y daith at waith neu ddechrau busnes.

"Os na chawsoch gyfle i siarad â ni yn y ffaith ewch i 'n gwefan a chofrestru, bydd hyfforddwr cyflogadwyedd neu swyddog menter yn cysylltu â chi.”

Dywedodd Leusa Jones, swyddog cangen Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: "Mae cael y cyfle i siarad gyda'r myfyrwyr wedi bod yn wych, mae'n codi calon ac mae hi'n braf clywed am eu diddordeb yn yr Iaith Gymraeg."

Ychwanegodd Aaron Beacher, Swyddog Cyfoethogi Profiadau Myfyrwyr: "Mae'r pythefnos diwethaf wedi bod yn ardderchog - mae hi'n wych gweld cymaint o'n dysgwyr yn rhwydweithio gyda sefydliadau mewnol ac allanol. Mae digwyddiadau Ffair y Glas yn bwysig iawn i Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, maen nhw'n cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr newydd, a myfyrwyr sy'n dychwelyd i'r coleg, weld pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael.

Drew Hollins-Roberts, training and recruitment coordinator for Zip World, said: “We came here to meet students to offer them the opportunity of work from January onwards.

“Coming here has been great because so many different students came to chat with me and are interested in what’s going on at Zip World. It’s really well organised and it’s been great to be able to chat with so many people about what Zip World do. The fair’s been a great success from my point of view.”

Julie Stokes-Jones, lead work placement officer for CaMVA, said: “It’s the first time for CaMVA at Freshers Fair. We’re launching the employment and enterprise bureaus, and the response and engagement from the students has been exceptional. We’ve been able to speak to lots of students and will hopefully be able to support them with their employment and enterprise journeys.

“If we were not able to speak to you at the fair please visit our webpage and register for our employability instructor or enterprise officer to contact you.”

Leusa Jones, branch officer of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, said: “It’s fantastic speaking to the students, it’s so refreshing and it’s lovely to hear they’re so interested in the Welsh language.”

Aaron Beacher, Student Enrichment Officer, said: “This has been a fantastic couple of weeks - it’s been so great seeing all of our learners interacting with internal and external organisations. Freshers’ events are so important to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai as they give our new and returning students a chance to see what support is available.

Drew Hollins-Roberts, training and recruitment coordinator for Zip World, said: “We came here to meet students to offer them the opportunity of work from January onwards.

“Coming here has been great because so many different students came to chat with me and are interested in what’s going on at Zip World. It’s really well organised and it’s been great to be able to chat with so many people about what Zip World do. The fair’s been a great success from my point of view.”

Julie Stokes-Jones, lead work placement officer for CaMVA, said: “It’s the first time for CaMVA at Freshers Fair. We’re launching the employment and enterprise bureaus, and the response and engagement from the students has been exceptional. We’ve been able to speak to lots of students and will hopefully be able to support them with their employment and enterprise journeys.

“If we were not able to speak to you at the fair please visit our webpage and register for our employability instructor or enterprise officer to contact you.”

Leusa Jones, branch officer of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, said: “It’s fantastic speaking to the students, it’s so refreshing and it’s lovely to hear they’re so interested in the Welsh language.”

Aaron Beacher, Student Enrichment Officer, said: “This has been a fantastic couple of weeks - it’s been so great seeing all of our learners interacting with internal and external organisations. Freshers’ events are so important to Grŵp Llandrillo Menai as they give our new and returning students a chance to see what support is available.

Dw i wedi clywed adborth arbennig o dda gan ddysgwyr a gan aelodau o staff, ac mae rhai wedi dweud bod y digwyddiadau yn cynnig cyfle gwych i gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd yn y coleg. Mi oedd hi'n braf clywed hynny oherwydd mae'n bwysig iawn ac mi fydd yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu hastudiaethau.

“Hoffwn ddiolch i’r holl sefydliadau allanol am ddod i'r digwyddiadau a rhyngweithio â’n myfyrwyr, ynghyd â’n holl gydlynwyr arweiniol a hwylusodd y digwyddiadau a gwneud i bopeth ddod at ei gilydd.

“Rwy’n awyddus iawn i gael rhagor o adborth o’r digwyddiadau er mwyn sicrhau, y flwyddyn nesaf, ein bod yn parhau i wneud yr hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud orau - sef sicrhau ein bod yn cynnig y profiad gorau posibl i’n myfyrwyr yn ystod eu hwythnosau cyntaf yma yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai. Rhowch wybod i mi os oes gennych unrhyw beth trwy anfon e-bost ataf ⁠”

“I’ve heard some really good feedback from both our learners and staff, and some have said this has been a great way to meet new friends at the college. This is brilliant to hear as this is really important and will have a positive impact on their studies.

“I would like to thank all the external organisations that attended and interacted with our students, along with all our lead coordinators who facilitated the events and made everything come together.

“I am really keen to get more feedback from all the events so next year we are able to carry on doing what we do best - that is, ensuring we give our students the best possible experience within their first few weeks here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Please let me know if you have anything by emailing me on”

“I’ve heard some really good feedback from both our learners and staff, and some have said this has been a great way to meet new friends at the college. This is brilliant to hear as this is really important and will have a positive impact on their studies.

“I would like to thank all the external organisations that attended and interacted with our students, along with all our lead coordinators who facilitated the events and made everything come together.

“I am really keen to get more feedback from all the events so next year we are able to carry on doing what we do best - that is, ensuring we give our students the best possible experience within their first few weeks here at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Please let me know if you have anything by emailing me on”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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