Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Myfyrwyr yn dathlu eu llwyddiannau yng ngwobrau Mynediad i Addysg Uwch

Yn ddiweddar, bu dysgwyr yn dathlu ennill cymwysterau a allai newid eu bywydau yn seremonïau gwobrwyo Mynediad i Addysg Uwch Grŵp Llandrillo Menai.

Cynhaliwyd seremonïau ar draws campysau’r Grŵp i gydnabod ymroddiad a gwaith caled myfyrwyr oedd wedi llwyddo i gwblhau'r cyrsiau dwys mewn ystod eang o bynciau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

Mae Diploma Mynediad i Addysg Uwch yn cynnig ffordd ddeinamig o ddysgu i fyfyrwyr sydd am astudio ar lefel prifysgol ond nad oes ganddynt y cymwysterau gofynnol, neu sydd wedi bod allan o addysg ers peth amser.

Mae Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn cynnig cyrsiau ym meysydd Celf a Dylunio, Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig, Biowyddoniaeth, Gofal Iechyd, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Plismona, Gwyddoniaeth a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.

⁠Mae gan lawer o'r rhai sy'n gwneud cais am y cyrsiau un flwyddyn o hyd hyn swyddi, plant oedran ysgol, neu efallai na allant deithio ar gyfer addysg bellach neu uwch am resymau eraill.

Bydd y myfyrwyr sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau eleni yn mynd ymlaen i astudio graddau mor amrywiol â bydwreigiaeth, nyrsio oedolion, nyrsio iechyd meddwl, hylendid deintyddol, addysg gynradd, seicoleg, cwnsela, gwyddor fiofeddygol, celf a dylunio, therapi lleferydd ac iaith, dylunio setiau theatr, ffarmacoleg, y gyfraith, busnes a chyllid rhyngwladol, troseddeg, hapchwarae a'r cyfryngau, llenyddiaeth Saesneg a bioleg y môr.

Cafodd llwyddiannau carfan eleni eu cydnabod mewn seremonïau gwobrwyo ym Mangor, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos a’r Rhyl – a chafwyd gwobrau arbennig ar gyfer ‘Dysgwr Mynediad y Flwyddyn’ o bob campws.

Carly Edge oedd enillydd gwobr campws Coleg Llandrillo yn Rhos ar ôl ennill y mwyafswm o 45 rhagoriaeth yn ei diploma Gofal Iechyd, bedair blynedd a hanner ar ôl iddi gael trawsblaniad ysgyfaint dwbl.

Mae Carly, sy'n 34 oed ac o Ddeganwy, yn mynd ymlaen i astudio gradd nyrsio gyda Phrifysgol Glyndŵr yn Llanelwy, ar ôl cael ei hysbrydoli gan y cymorth y mae hi wedi’i dderbyn gan weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol.

Ceremonies across the Grŵp’s campuses recognised the dedication and hard work of students who had successfully completed the intensive courses in a wide range of subjects at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

An Access to HE diploma provides a dynamic way of learning for students who want to study at a university level but may not have the qualifications required, or have been out of education for some time.

Courses offered at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai are Art & Design, Construction and the Built Environment, Bioscience, Health Care, Humanities & Social Sciences, Policing, Science and Social Sciences.

Many of those who apply for the one-year courses have jobs, school-age children, or may be unable to travel for further or higher education for other reasons.

Students who have completed this year’s courses are going on to study degrees as varied as midwifery, adult nursing, mental health nursing, dental hygiene, primary teaching, psychology, counselling, biomedical science, art and design, speech and language therapy, theatre set design, pharmacology, law, international business and finance, criminology, gaming and media, English literature and marine biology.

The successes of this year’s cohort were recognised at award ceremonies in Bangor, Rhos and Rhyl - and there were special awards for the ‘Access Learner of the Year’ from each campus.

Carly Edge won the award for Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus after successfully completing her Health Care diploma, having had a double lung transplant four and a half years ago.

The 34-year-old from Deganwy is going on to study a nursing degree with Glyndŵr University in St Asaph, after being inspired by the help she has received from healthcare professionals.

Ceremonies across the Grŵp’s campuses recognised the dedication and hard work of students who had successfully completed the intensive courses in a wide range of subjects at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

An Access to HE diploma provides a dynamic way of learning for students who want to study at a university level but may not have the qualifications required, or have been out of education for some time.

Courses offered at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai are Art & Design, Construction and the Built Environment, Bioscience, Health Care, Humanities & Social Sciences, Policing, Science and Social Sciences.

Many of those who apply for the one-year courses have jobs, school-age children, or may be unable to travel for further or higher education for other reasons.

Students who have completed this year’s courses are going on to study degrees as varied as midwifery, adult nursing, mental health nursing, dental hygiene, primary teaching, psychology, counselling, biomedical science, art and design, speech and language therapy, theatre set design, pharmacology, law, international business and finance, criminology, gaming and media, English literature and marine biology.

The successes of this year’s cohort were recognised at award ceremonies in Bangor, Rhos and Rhyl - and there were special awards for the ‘Access Learner of the Year’ from each campus.

Carly Edge won the award for Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus after successfully completing her Health Care diploma, having had a double lung transplant four and a half years ago.

The 34-year-old from Deganwy is going on to study a nursing degree with Glyndŵr University in St Asaph, after being inspired by the help she has received from healthcare professionals.

Meddai: “Rydw i wedi cael gofal gan nyrsys a meddygon mor wych ers roeddwn i'n saith oed, a hoffwn i allu helpu pobl eraill yn yr un ffordd. Rydw i wedi aros am amser hir i fod yn ddigon iach i hyd yn oed allu meddwl am wneud cwrs a rhoi o’m gorau.

“Mae cwblhau’r cwrs Mynediad yn y Coleg wedi bod yn anhygoel o ran dysgu sgiliau newydd ac i'm paratoi ar gyfer y brifysgol. Gwnaeth y cwrs fy helpu i ddod yn ôl i'r arferiad o ddysgu.

“Rydw i wedi dysgu sut i reoli fy amser, ac wedi dysgu sgiliau newydd fel ysgrifennu traethodau, a sut i ymchwilio i’r hyn rydw i wedi bod yn dysgu amdano. Rydw i hefyd wedi dysgu sut i gyfeirnodi, rhywbeth nad oeddwn i erioed wedi’i wneud yn fy mywyd, ond yn bendant rydw i’n mynd i fod angen hynny wrth fynd ymlaen i’r brifysgol.”

Enillodd Robyn Clement wobr Dysgwr Mynediad y Flwyddyn Coleg Menai ar ôl ennill yr uchafswm o 45 rhagoriaeth yn ei Diploma Gofal Iechyd - cyfwerth â thair gradd A* mewn Lefel A.

Cymhwysodd y fam i ddau o Langefni fel nyrs ddeintyddol yn 2016, a pharhaodd a'i gwaith wrth ddilyn y cwrs llawn amser. Mae hi nawr yn mynd ymlaen i astudio hylendid deintyddol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor, ac yn gobeithio astudio therapi deintyddol ac o bosib dod yn ddeintydd yn y dyfodol.

Dywedodd: “Nid oedd gen i fawr o hunanhyder i fod yn onest ond dywedais wrth fy hun, ‘mi allai wneud hyn’; mae'n anodd credu fy mod i wedi cwblhau'r cwrs gyda rhagoriaethau.

“Fe wnes i'r cwrs i'm merched fod yn falch ohonof i. Mae gen i ddwy ferch sy’n 11 ac wyth oed, ac roedd gweld y wobr yn cael ei chyflwyno i mi yn golygu llawer. Y peth cyntaf wnaethant ddweud wrthyf ar ôl i mi ddod oddi ar y llwyfan oedd pa mor falch oeddent ohonof i.

“Roedd y cwrs yn eithaf dwys, gyda llawer o nosweithiau hir ac roedd rhaid i mi aberthu sawl penwythnos, ond mae wedi bod yn werth chweil. Roedd yn ddosbarth da, yn griw hyfryd o ferched ac roedden ni'n dda iawn am helpu ein gilydd.”

She said: “I’ve had such wonderful nurses and doctors my whole life from the age of seven, and I’d like to be able to help people the same way. I’ve had to wait a long time until I was healthy enough to even be able to think about doing a course and giving it my all.

“Coming to college to do the Access course has been amazing in terms of learning new skills and preparing me for university. It got me back into the swing of actually learning.

“I’ve learned massively how to manage my time, and have learned new skills such as writing essays, and how to research what I’ve been learning about. Also I’ve learned how to reference, which I’d never done in my life, but I’m definitely going to need that going on to university.”

Robyn Clement won the Access Learner of the Year award for Coleg Menai after achieving the maximum 45 distinctions in her Health Care Diploma - equivalent to three A* grades at A-Level.

The mum of two from Llangefni qualified as a dental nurse in 2016, and continued while following the full-time course. She is now going on to study dental hygiene at Bangor University, and hopes to study dental therapy and possibly to become a dentist.

She said: “I had very little belief in myself to be honest but I said to myself, ‘I can do this’, and I can’t believe I’ve come out with distinctions.

“I did it to make my girls proud of me. I’ve got two daughters aged 11 and eight, and for them to see me being presented with the award meant a lot. The first thing they said to me after I came off stage was how proud they were of me.

“It was quite intense, with a lot of long evenings and sacrificing weekends, but it’s been worth it. It was a good class, a lovely bunch of women and we were very good at helping each other on.”

She said: “I’ve had such wonderful nurses and doctors my whole life from the age of seven, and I’d like to be able to help people the same way. I’ve had to wait a long time until I was healthy enough to even be able to think about doing a course and giving it my all.

“Coming to college to do the Access course has been amazing in terms of learning new skills and preparing me for university. It got me back into the swing of actually learning.

“I’ve learned massively how to manage my time, and have learned new skills such as writing essays, and how to research what I’ve been learning about. Also I’ve learned how to reference, which I’d never done in my life, but I’m definitely going to need that going on to university.”

Robyn Clement won the Access Learner of the Year award for Coleg Menai after achieving the maximum 45 distinctions in her Health Care Diploma - equivalent to three A* grades at A-Level.

The mum of two from Llangefni qualified as a dental nurse in 2016, and continued while following the full-time course. She is now going on to study dental hygiene at Bangor University, and hopes to study dental therapy and possibly to become a dentist.

She said: “I had very little belief in myself to be honest but I said to myself, ‘I can do this’, and I can’t believe I’ve come out with distinctions.

“I did it to make my girls proud of me. I’ve got two daughters aged 11 and eight, and for them to see me being presented with the award meant a lot. The first thing they said to me after I came off stage was how proud they were of me.

“It was quite intense, with a lot of long evenings and sacrificing weekends, but it’s been worth it. It was a good class, a lovely bunch of women and we were very good at helping each other on.”

Roedd ganddi’r cyngor hwn i unrhyw un sy’n ystyried gwneud cais am gwrs Mynediad: “Hyd yn oed os nad ydych chi'n credu y gallwch chi wneud y cwrs, cymerwch y cam cyntaf hwnnw a bydd yn werth chweil.”

Adleisiodd Amanda Anderson, Dysgwr Mynediad y Flwyddyn campws Coleg Llandrillo yn Abergele, y cyngor hwnnw, gan ddweud peidiwch â gadael i unrhyw beth eich rhwystro rhag dilyn eich breuddwydion.

Mae hi'n mynd ymlaen i astudio gradd nyrsio iechyd meddwl gyda Phrifysgol Glyndŵr ar ôl hefyd ennill pob rhagoriaeth yn ei diploma Gofal Iechyd.

“Roedd gen i’r cymwysterau i fynd i’r brifysgol ond roeddwn i wedi bod allan o addysg ers 30 mlynedd,” meddai. “Roedd y cwrs yn werthfawr iawn o ran fy nghael yn ôl i’r arferiad o wneud gwaith academaidd.

“Os gallaf i gwblhau’r cwrs yn 53 oed, yna gall unrhyw un - peidiwch â gadael i'ch oedran eich rhwystro, oherwydd does gennych chi ddim byd i'w golli.”

Enillodd Jennifer Mackenzie o Lanelwy wobr Dysgwr Mynediad y Flwyddyn campws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl ar ôl ennill pob rhagoriaeth yn ei Diploma Gofal Iechyd.

Mae hi nawr yn mynd i Brifysgol Bangor i ddilyn ei breuddwyd o ddod yn fydwraig.

Dywedodd: “Gwnaeth cael fy mhlant fy atgoffa pam roeddwn i eisiau bod yn fydwraig, ac ar ôl i'm hail fab gael ei eni, penderfynais fy mod i am fynd amdani.

"Mi wnes i fwynhau'r cwrs a dysgu pethau newydd, yn ogystal ag ochr gymdeithasol y cwrs a chwrdd â phobl newydd. Roedd gennym ni grŵp neis ac rydyn ni wedi dod yn ffrindiau da."

She had this advice for anyone thinking of applying for an Access course: “Even if you don’t believe you can do it, just take that first step and it’ll be worth it.”

Amanda Anderson, who was Access Learner of the Year for the Abergele, echoed that advice, saying don’t let anything stop you from following your dreams.

She is going on to study a mental health nursing degree with Glyndŵr University after also achieving all distinctions in her Health Care diploma.

“I had the qualifications to go to uni but I’d been out of education for 30 years,” she said. “The course turned out to be really valuable in terms of getting me back into doing academic work.

“If I can do it at 53 then anyone can - don’t let your age put you off, because you’ve got nothing to lose.”

Jennifer Mackenzie, from St Asaph, was Access Learner of the Year award for Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus after also achieving all distinctions in her Health Care Diploma.

She is now going to Bangor University to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a midwife.

She said: “After I had my two children it made me remember why I’d wanted to become a midwife, and after my second boy was born I said ‘I’m going to do it’.

“I enjoyed the course. I really enjoyed learning new things, and I also enjoyed the social side of it, meeting new people. We had a nice group and made some great friendships.”

She had this advice for anyone thinking of applying for an Access course: “Even if you don’t believe you can do it, just take that first step and it’ll be worth it.”

Amanda Anderson, who was Access Learner of the Year for the Abergele, echoed that advice, saying don’t let anything stop you from following your dreams.

She is going on to study a mental health nursing degree with Glyndŵr University after also achieving all distinctions in her Health Care diploma.

“I had the qualifications to go to uni but I’d been out of education for 30 years,” she said. “The course turned out to be really valuable in terms of getting me back into doing academic work.

“If I can do it at 53 then anyone can - don’t let your age put you off, because you’ve got nothing to lose.”

Jennifer Mackenzie, from St Asaph, was Access Learner of the Year award for Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus after also achieving all distinctions in her Health Care Diploma.

She is now going to Bangor University to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a midwife.

She said: “After I had my two children it made me remember why I’d wanted to become a midwife, and after my second boy was born I said ‘I’m going to do it’.

“I enjoyed the course. I really enjoyed learning new things, and I also enjoyed the social side of it, meeting new people. We had a nice group and made some great friendships.”

Gweithiodd Jennifer yn rhan-amser fel cynorthwyydd gofal iechyd yn ystod ei chwrs i ennill profiad o weithio mewn amgylchedd ysbyty.

Ar ôl cael dau gynnig o le mewn prifysgol, mae hi wedi derbyn ei dewis cyntaf a bydd yn astudio bydwreigiaeth ym Mangor o fis Medi.

Ychwanegodd: “Mae’n mynd i fod yn anhygoel; mae'n rhywbeth rydw i wastad wedi bod eisiau ei wneud ac mae'n golygu’r byd i mi.”

Yn seremoni’r Rhyl, rhoddwyd gwobrau eraill am gynnydd a gwaith rhagorol i Chloe Pritchard, Katie Bibb, Melanie Hughes-Roberts, Lily McEvoy, Robyn Hulley a Katie Bradshaw.

Dywedodd Conor Merrick, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen ar gyfer Lefel A, Mynediad i Addysg Uwch, Busnes ac Addysg Coleg Llandrillo: “Mae cyrsiau Mynediad i Addysg Uwch yn hanfodol i lywio dyfodol dysgwyr a gallent newid bywydau.

“Dylai pob dysgwr sy’n cwblhau’r cwrs hwn fod yn falch iawn gan ei fod yn gwrs dwys sy’n eu paratoi’n berffaith ar gyfer y cam nesaf yn y brifysgol.”

Ychwanegodd Melanie Edwards, Arweinydd Rhaglen ar gyfer Lefel A Cymdeithaseg a Mynediad i Addysg Uwch ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl: “Mae rhai o’n dysgwyr mynediad yn dechrau’r cwrs flynyddoedd lawer ar ôl gadael yr ysgol ac nid yw rhai hyd yn oed wedi troi cyfrifiadur ymlaen o’r blaen.

“Mae eraill yn ymuno â’r cwrs Mynediad i gael newid gyrfa ac mae’n agor llawer o lwybrau iddynt. Mae’n werth chweil eu gweld yn datblygu sgiliau a hyder drwy gydol y cwrs, ac rydyn ni i gyd yn falch iawn ohonynt.”

Mae Cymorth i Ddysgwyr a gofal bugeiliol ar gael i bob myfyriwr, yn ogystal â chymorth i'r rhai sy'n gymwys i gael cymorth gyda gofal plant.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am Ddiplomâu Mynediad i Addysg Uwch yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai a Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor, cliciwch yma.

Jennifer worked part-time as a healthcare assistant during her course to gain experience of working in a hospital environment.

After receiving two offers of university places, she has accepted her first choice and will study midwifery at Bangor from September.

She said: “It’s going to be amazing, something I’ve always wanted to do and it’s going to mean the world to me.”

At the Rhyl ceremony, other awards for excellent progress and work were given to Chloe Pritchard, Katie Bibb, Melanie Hughes-Roberts, Lily McEvoy, Robyn Hulley and Katie Bradshaw.

Conor Merrick, Programme Area Manager for A Levels, Access, Business & Education for Coleg Llandrillo said: "Access to Higher Education courses are fundamental to shaping learners' futures and can be life-changing.

“All learners who complete this course should be very proud as it is an intensive course which perfectly sets them up for the next step at University.”

Melanie Edwards, Programme Leader for Sociology A Levels/Access to Higher Education at Llandrillo 6th, said: “Some of our access learners begin the course many years after leaving school and some have never even switched on a computer before.

“Others join the Access course to have a change in career and it opens up many pathways for them. It is so rewarding to see them develop in skills and confidence throughout the course, and we are all very proud of them.”

Learner Support and pastoral care is available for all students, as well as help for those who qualify for assistance with childcare.

For more information about Access to Higher Education Diplomas at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, click here.

Jennifer worked part-time as a healthcare assistant during her course to gain experience of working in a hospital environment.

After receiving two offers of university places, she has accepted her first choice and will study midwifery at Bangor from September.

She said: “It’s going to be amazing, something I’ve always wanted to do and it’s going to mean the world to me.”

At the Rhyl ceremony, other awards for excellent progress and work were given to Chloe Pritchard, Katie Bibb, Melanie Hughes-Roberts, Lily McEvoy, Robyn Hulley and Katie Bradshaw.

Conor Merrick, Programme Area Manager for A Levels, Access, Business & Education for Coleg Llandrillo said: "Access to Higher Education courses are fundamental to shaping learners' futures and can be life-changing.

“All learners who complete this course should be very proud as it is an intensive course which perfectly sets them up for the next step at University.”

Melanie Edwards, Programme Leader for Sociology A Levels/Access to Higher Education at Llandrillo 6th, said: “Some of our access learners begin the course many years after leaving school and some have never even switched on a computer before.

“Others join the Access course to have a change in career and it opens up many pathways for them. It is so rewarding to see them develop in skills and confidence throughout the course, and we are all very proud of them.”

Learner Support and pastoral care is available for all students, as well as help for those who qualify for assistance with childcare.

For more information about Access to Higher Education Diplomas at Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai and Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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