Sgiliaith National Staff Development Programme

Support for practitioners in the further education and apprenticeships sector to offer Welsh medium and bilingual provision to learners.

Sgiliaith’s professional development opportunities are suitable for everyone working in the sector, regardless of Welsh language skills or previous experience.

Sgiliaith’s Staff Development Training Programme offers a range of development opportunities to support the progression of practitioners’ bilingual skills, whilst Sgiliaith’s Staff Mentoring Programme offers support to practitioners in real learning situations to embed Welsh/bilingualism in the classroom or workplace.

The professional development opportunities are delivered by Sgiliaith on behalf of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol following the expansion of their role to include the Further Education and Apprenticeships sectors and a new national strategy launched in 2019. The provision is funded for practitioners in the Further Education and Apprenticeships sector.

Further details of Sgiliaith’s development and mentoring opportunities can be seen here:

Download our prospectus here or click here to express an interest in our training course(s).

National Staff Development Programme course resources.

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